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Person County Inspection Department is a dedicated organization, committed to enhancing the quality of life in Person County and the City of Roxboro by providing outstanding services in response to the needs of everyone who visits, works and lives in our community.

The duties and responsibilities of the department are to enforce within Person County and the City of Roxboro:

  • State and local laws relating to the construction of buildings and other structures
  • Installation of such facilities as plumbing systems, electrical systems, heating systems, refrigeration systems, and air‑conditioning systems
  • Maintenance of buildings and other structures in a safe, sanitary, and healthful condition

These duties include the receipt of applications for permits and the issuance or denial of permits, the making of any necessary inspections in a timely manner, the issuance or denial of certificates of compliance, the issuance of orders to correct violations, the bringing of judicial actions against actual or threatened violations, the keeping of adequate records, and any other actions that may be required in order adequately to enforce those laws.